
"which hope we have as an anchor of the soul"


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“And of His Fullness have all we received, and grace for grace” JOHN 1:16

“And hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all” EPHESIANS 1:22-23


Kindly repeat this after me, of His fullness have I received! I urge you to receive this into your spirit and think it through, take heed as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arises in your heart. See, The Word of God will be of no use to you till it finds a resting place in your heart, in your spirit, and upon constant and effective brooding over, hatches the desired result. Of the fullness of Christ Jesus, The Word of God who was from the beginning have we all received. God isn’t called The Many Breasted God, El-Shaddai for no reason. He is The Almighty God who fills all in all, and is able to do all things. Whatever you need, He is! He is the answer to all your needs and does not refer you to any specialist. He is the Specialist. Scripture says that it pleased God The Father that in Christ Jesus should all fullness dwell (COLOSSIANS 1:19). You can only be made complete in Him, nothing else satisfies. You can search throughout eternity and and none can compare. You are complete in Him, says His Word (COLOSSIANS 2:10). No success or achievement in life is ever complete without Christ. People can have everything they want materially and still have faintness or leanness in their souls, ” And He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul” PSALM 106:15. I wish and desire in The Name of The Lord Jesus that in all you do, and all you have, your soul prospers as well, that you may lack nothing. Whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, He said (JOHN 14:13). Now, who on earth can be so confident to make such a bold claim? These are no vain or empty promises or claims. They are not one of those vain promises a man makes a woman when infatuated, like “I will cross the ocean for you”, and all the crazy stuff. Will God ever lie to you? He is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man that He should repent of what He says (NUMBERS 23:19). Whatsoever means whatsoever, an all inclusive claim. Christ Jesus is that versatile and handyman who does everything. Just sit down quietly and begin to examine your self, have a deeper search of your soul, and ask what your desires are. It could be anything, and He is ever ready to make it happen. Whatever is lacking in your life that makes you lean and incomplete, just ask Him. It could be anything baby, anything! Just go ahead and make your requests known unto Him, and His peace which surpasses all understanding shall keep your heart and mind through. You are going to live life to the fullness, you are going to have that family you always desired. He will heal that disease and make you whole. Satisfaction in Christ Jesus is guaranteed, and of His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

We can only be that fruitful bough by the wall, whose branches run over the wall when we are plugged or connected to The Fruitful Vine who is Christ Jesus. He gives life in abundance. He is that Living Fountain which never dries. We will drink from that Rock and quench our thirsty souls forever. Just run to the rock and receive that fullness and satisfaction. I dare you to bare your famished soul to Him today. Streams of living water will flow from His fountain and quench your thirsty soul. He fills all in all, and you are complete in Him who is the head of all principality, and all power. In The Name that is above all names, Jesus Christ, Son of The Living God. Amen and Amen!

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